use essays Checklist
generated from Project Based Learning; peer
review groups provide feedback on Venn Diagrams:
teacher and students evaluate questionnaire; students
share excerpted journal reflections with peers
and visitors to Learning Festival.
or Materials Used For
technology: printer, digital camera, scanner,
Microsoft Office; for interview and reflections:
journals and notebooks; for background material:
Resource List on Immigrants
in The Promised Land.
Developed Materials Checklists
for Essays, Resource List
on Immigrant Women in The Promised Land.
Developed Materials Women's
Rights Timeline, Reflection Journals, Questionnaire,
Venn Diagrams, Essays
Sites Resource
List on Immigrant Women in The Promised Land
Words Many of
our immigrant female students initially view United
States as the "Promised Land" or the
land of opportunity. But then reality sets in.
Not only do they often face family stereotypes
of women's place in society, but they also deal
with hurtful labels. This project shows new immigrant
women how their foremothers have succeeded. It
boosts their self-esteem, and encourages them
to value education and mentoring programs.
Tip Watch for
students to develop confidence and take ownership
of this project when they help younger peers learn
about women's rights, Local success stories enable
TEACHBoston students to visualize their own potential.