Generations: Tapping into the Experiences of Senior Citizens
Advice from the Young

Name____________________________ Date___________________

In the past few weeks you have read the following advice writings:

  • A poem: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas
  • A speech: "Wear Sunscreen" by Mary Schmich
  • An essay: "If I Had My Life to Live Over" by Nadine Stair

Now, it is your turn. You will write either a poem, speech, or essay giving advice to a specific audience.

Whom do you think needs advice? What have your experiences taught you so far? What is the most valuable advice you can give?

Steps: 50 points: (1-6 are worth 5 points each. 7 & 8, 10 points each)

1. Choose an audience.
2. Create a web/list of advice for this audience. (Pre-writing)
3. Organize your ideas into an outline: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
4. Write a 1st draft of your essay, speech, or poem.
5. Reread and revise!
6. Submit to Ms. Levy for revision.
7. Write a final draft.
8. Publish! (Deliver your speech. Mount your
essay or poem for all to see.) Add a drawing.

DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 14, 2002


Who needs your advice?

Just to get you thinking, some audiences who might need advice are:

Parents of teenagers
Little kids
Middle School Students
Older Brothers
Rap Musicians
Clerks at your favorite store
People in love
Fashion nightmares
Hair nightmares

The audience to whom I will address my advice is ______________.

Outline of Ideas

1. Introduction:

  • Hook the reader:
  • Ask a question.
  • Tell why this particular audience needs advice.
  • Tell a very short story about this audience from your experience.
  • Make a bold statement.

2. Body

  • Supporting points.
  • Give your advice.
  • Give examples to support your advice.

3. Conclusion

  • Summarize the advice you have given.
  • Explain why you have given your advice.
  • Leave the audience with a challenge to undertake your advice.
  • Leave the audience with something to think about for the future, an idea to ponder.



1. Introduction

2. Body


3. Conclusion

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